This craft is a lot of fun and particularly spooky for the kids (of any ages) but I will warn that this takes some preparation time as well as drying time! The first part of this is for the grown ups! Let's start with the supplies! As pictured in previous blogs, I use a lot of the same supplies for our Halloween crafts.
Craft Sticks
Diagonal Cutters
Elmer's Glue
String (optional)
Double Sided Sticky Foam (optional)
Stickers (optional)
First off, you want to line your craft sticks up to the width of your choosing for your house. You can follow mine or create your own! Then, line sticks horizontally on top for the top of your house and place two sticks on top for your roof. Carefully hold them in place while you mark there the roof is so you know where to cut your sticks.
Go ahead and cut up a few sticks to glue to the back of your house (it really helps concrete the sticks all together without using tons of glue). Again, I used Elmer's Glue All which still is my recommendation for the best glue to use with wooden craft sticks!
While the glue dries, start cutting the pieces for the top of your house. As I've said in previous blogs, the diagonal cutters really are the best for cutting craft sticks and please don't forget to hold each side of the stick as you cut so they don't go flying off in all different directions! (I swear, I have over ten pieces stuck behind my china cabinet from NOT holding it!)
See these extra pieces?? KEEP THEM! They come in handy for gluing everything together!
Make sure you use those small pieces to really make sure your house is going to stay together! There's nothing more heartbreaking that to watch your child work so hard to create something just to have it fall apart a few minutes later.
Once glued, LET IT DRY! I let mine dry over night but honestly this glue dries in about 2-3 hours tops.
When it's nice and solid, flip it over and attach the two sticks you kept for the roof. The next step is optional. If you wish, cut sticks to make a window and door (or you can draw one with a sharpie or even let the kids paint one!) Again, let everything dry COMPLETELY before painting!
Ah, the fun part! Painting! Make sure you let your kids pick out their colors (yes, even the toddler). Don't inhibit their creativity. They might just surprise you! Also make sure you have a cup or jar of water so they can wash their brushes and switch colors. I find paper plates work great as a pain palette! For ours, we used Crayola washable paints in neon colors (super fun for Halloween and WASHES OUT!)
Sit back and watch their imaginations come alive as they start painting! This is always my favorite part...just to watch them have fun!
My toddler chose a tie dyed type of design while the 7 year old went a more traditional looking haunted house.
When they are satisfied with their creations, let them DRY! I know, I know...boring! But this particular paint only takes about an hour!
Next, break out the decorations!
We used Halloween stickers for ours (only $1 at the Dollar Tree) but you can do anything you or your kids imagine!
For a final touch (if you wish to hang it) cut some string and use tape, sticky foam or glue to attach the string to the back of their houses.
All done! Let them hang them with pride!
Now, pour yourself a glass of wine and relax, Mama. You did good!
{Sarah B}